Houses and apartments in Subotica and Vojvodina

Convenient and secure house and apartment search service in Subotica and Vojvodina

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Facilities in different localities of Northern Serbia

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Unique houses and apartments from owners in Subotica and Vojvodina

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Reference and information materials

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On behalf of the entire Sprat team, I would like to sincerely thank you for your trust in our online service. It is great that you have chosen Sprat for your real estate search in Subotica and Vojvodina.

We strive to make our service even better, more convenient and useful. 

Your opinion and suggestions play a key role in this process. We are always happy to receive feedback and are ready to take into account your wishes in order to continue to develop and offer you even better services.

Thanks for sticking with us and helping us get better!

With warmth and respect,


Director of DOO Sprat

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+381 69 111 00 69


Sprat office in Subotica

Korzo 7, 24000, Subotica 24000, Serbia

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